Swing Layout Managers

Although Compositor can make Swing UI generation easier, it can still be difficult to make the layout managers do what you want. I'll try to describe some things I've learned.

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  1. Available layout managers
  2. How to Use the Layout Managers in Compositor
  3. Things not to worry about
  1. Available layout managers

    First you need to know how the layout managers available in Compositor work. There are five of them, plus the grid tag, and here they are with a quick attempt at diagrams (and apologies if you have difficulties with HTML tables).

  2. How to Use the Layout Managers in Compositor

    The second thing that you need to know is how to use these simple tools to achieve what you want. This is harder to explain without knowing what you want, but let's try a couple of examples.

  3. Things not to worry about

    There are also a few things that it took me a while to really believe.

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